Relief Without Surgery. What a Concept!

Dr. Gehrmann has expanded his clinical services to include treatments for certain conditions that do not require surgery. These treatments are performed in our offices and typicaally require a consultation visit in advance of the procedure.


PRP Therapy uses your body’s own plasma to speed up the healing process.

Modern medicine has discovered yet another way that our bodies can actively heal themselves — Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP).

PRP therapy involves drawing a small quantity of a patient’s own plasma, concentrating the platelets in a centrifuge, and then injecting the concentrated platelets back into localized injured or diseased tissue. PRP application accelerates the healing of injured joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments to remedy a variety of musculoskeletal problems. Dr. Gehrmann utilizes PRP therapy to treat a variety of conditions, including:

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Radial Shockwave Therapy can be a great healing strategy for a variety of sports injuries and other ailments.

Radial Shockwave Therapy is a medical procedure that has been proven to increase the rate of healing for soft tissue tendinopathy. This advanced, non-invasive procedure is a highly effective treatment that enhances blood circulation and boosts the healing process by causing damaged tissue to gradually regenerate. A variety of conditions can be treated using Radial Shockwave Therapy, including:

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